N I B -perfect bass tabs

N I B -perfect bass tabs

Some people say my love can not be true...
1st x
2nd & 4th x Your love for me...

3rd x (Solo)





5th (2nd solo)










————————————————|| b=bend
————————————————||( )=bend to
—7—7————————7——|| h=hammer—on
————————————————||p=pull off

N.I.B Perfect Bass Tabs – Your Ultimate Guide

N.I.B Perfect Bass Tabs

Introduction: How to Play N.I.B Perfect Bass Tabs

Are you a fan of Black Sabbath and want to learn how to play their classic song N.I.B on bass guitar? Look no further because we have put together an easy-to-follow guide to help you learn the perfect bass tabs for N.I.B.

Before we dive into the tabs, make sure you are comfortable with the basics of playing bass guitar. This includes playing notes, understanding chords, and basic finger exercises. Once you have these fundamentals down, you can start playing N.I.B.

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The Chorus

The chorus of N.I.B is one of the most iconic parts of the song. Here is how to play it:

  1. Start by playing the open E string twice.
  2. Next, play the fifth fret on the A string.
  3. Move up to the seventh fret on the A string.
  4. Finish the chorus by playing the fifth fret on the A string once again.

This riff is repeated throughout the chorus of the song. Practice playing it slowly at first, focusing on hitting each note cleanly. Once you are comfortable with the fingering, gradually increase your speed until you can play along with the song.

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The Verse

The verse of N.I.B has a slightly different bassline than the chorus. Here is how to play it:

  1. Start by playing the open A string twice.
  2. Next, play the third fret on the A string.
  3. Move up to the fifth fret on the A string.
  4. Finish the verse by playing the third fret on the E string.

The verse is a bit slower than the chorus, but it is still important to play each note cleanly. Take your time and gradually build up speed until you can seamlessly switch between the chorus and the verse of the song.

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The Breakdown

The breakdown of N.I.B is a great opportunity to showcase your bass playing skills. Here is how to play it:

  1. Start by playing the open E string four times.
  2. Next, play the third fret on the E string four times.
  3. Move up to the fifth fret on the E string four times.
  4. Finish the breakdown by playing the seventh fret on the E string four times.

This section of the song requires a lot of finger strength, so make sure to warm up before attempting it. Practice playing it slowly at first, gradually building up speed over time.

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The Perfect Bass Tabs for N.I.B







Practice each section of the song slowly at first, making sure to hit each note cleanly. As you become more comfortable with each section, gradually increase your speed until you can play along with the song.

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Now that you have learned the perfect bass tabs for N.I.B by Black Sabbath, it’s time to practice and hone your skills. Remember to take it slow at first, focusing on hitting each note cleanly and building up speed over time.

With enough practice, you will be able to play along with the song and impress all of your friends with your bass skills. Keep practicing and have fun!

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