All 15 Minor Scales bass tabs
by Antoine Gravel
*** ***
*** C D E F G A B ***
*** Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si ***
*** ***
*** # : sharp / dièse ***
*** b : flat / bémol ***
*** ***
A minor scale
———D——————————0—2—3(5—7)—— A B C D E F G A
———A————0—2—3(5—7—8)—————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
E minor scale |D minor scale
———G—————————————————————— |———G——————————0—2—3—5—7———
———D————————————————0—2——— E F# G A B C D E |———D————0—2—3(5—7—8)—————— D E F G A Bb C D
———A——————————0—2—3(5—7)—— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 |———A———(5—7—8)———————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
———E————0—2—3(5—7—8)—————— |———E——————————————————————
B minor scale |G minor scale
———G——————————————0—2—4——— |———G——————————————————0———
———D————————0—2—4(5)—————— B C# D E F# G A B |———D————————————0—1—3(5)—— G A Bb C D Eb F G
———A————2—4(5)———————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 |———A——————0—1—3(5—6)—————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
———E—————————————————————— |———E————3(5—6)————————————
F# minor scale |C minor scale
———G—————————————————————— |———G————————————0—1—3—5———
———D——————————————0—2—4——— F# G# A B C# D E F#|———D——————0—1—3(5—6)—————— C D Eb F G Ab Bb C
———A————————0—2—4(5)—————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 |———A————3(5—6)———————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
———E————2—4(5)———————————— |———E——————————————————————
C# minor scale |F minor scale
———G————————————1—2—4—6——— |———G——————————————————————
———D——————1—2—4(6—7)—————— C# D# E F# G# A B C#|———D————————————————1—3——— F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F
———A————4(6—7)———————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 |———A——————————1—3—4——————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
———E—————————————————————— |———E————1—3—4—————————————
G# minor scale |Bb minor scale
———G——————————————————1——— |———G————————————————1—3———
———D————————————1—2—4(6)—— G# A# B C# D# E F# G#|———D——————————1—3—4——————— Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb
———A——————1—2—4(6—7)—————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 |———A————1—3—4————————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
———E————4(6—7)———————————— |———E——————————————————————
D# minor scale |Eb minor scale
———G——————————1—3—4—6—8——— |———G——————————1—3—4—6—8———
———D————1—3—4(6—8—9)—————— D# E# F# G# A# B C# D#|———D————1—3—4(6—8—9)—————— Eb F Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb
———A———(6—8—9)———————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 |———A———(6—8—9)———————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
———E—————————————————————— |———E——————————————————————
A# minor scale |Ab minor scale
———G————————————————1—3——— |———G——————————————————1———
———D——————————1—3—4——————— A# B# C# D# E# F# G# A#|———D————————————1—2—4(6)—— Ab Bb Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab
———A————1—3—4————————————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 |———A——————1—2—4(6—7)—————— 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1
———E—————————————————————— |———E————4(6—7)————————————
If you’re a budding musician looking to improve your bass playing skills, one of the most important things you’ll need to master is scales. Scales are a fundamental component of music theory, and they’re essential for anyone who wants to play music well. In this article, we’re going to focus on the 15 minor scales and provide bass tablature for each one.
What Are Scales?
Scales are simply a series of notes that are played in a sequence. They are used to create the basic building blocks of music, and they provide a framework for understanding how different chords and melodies can be put together. There are many different types of scales, but the 15 minor scales are among the most important for bass players to learn.
Firstly, let’s take a closer look at why scales are so important for bass players.
Why Are Scales Important for Bass Players?
As a bass player, scales are the foundation of your playing. They help you to understand the underlying structure of a song, and they provide you with a roadmap for improvisation. In addition, scales help to improve your technical abilities, such as finger dexterity and speed, which are essential for playing more complex bass lines and melodies.
Secondly, let’s explore the 15 minor scales and their significance for bass players.
The 15 Minor Scales for Bass Players
There are 15 different minor scales that bass players should be aware of. Each of these scales has a slightly different sound and can be used in different musical settings. Here are the 15 different minor scales and their corresponding bass tablature:
Natural Minor Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-----------------------3-5-7-------------- E |-0-1-3-5-3-1-0-1-3-5-6--------------------
Harmonic Minor Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-----------------------3-4-7-------------- E |-0-1-3-4-3-1-0-1-3-5----------------------
Melodic Minor Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-----------------------3-4-6-7------------ E |-0-1-3-4-5-3-1-0-1-3-5-6------------------
Dorian Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |---------------------5-7-8-10-8-7-5------ E |-5-3-1-0-1-3-5-6-5-3-1--------------------
Phrygian Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |----------------------3-5-7-8-7-5-3------- E |-3-1-0-1-3-5-6-8-6-5-3--------------------
Lydian Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-------------------5-7-8-10--------------- E |-0-2-4-6-7-6-4-2-0-7----------------------
Mixolydian Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |------------------5-7-8------------------ E |-0-2-4-5-7-5-4-2-0-8----------------------
Aeolian Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-----------------5-7-8-10-8-7-5----------- E |-0-2-3-5-3-2-0-1-3-----------------------
Locrian Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-----------------3-5-6-8-10-8-6-5-3------- E |-0-1-3-5-6-5-3-1--------------------------
Harmonic Minor Scale #5
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-----------------------3-4-6-8-9--------- E |-0-1-3-4-7-5-4-3-1-0-1-4------------------
Dorian #4 Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |---------------------5-6-8-10-8-6-5------- E |-5-3-2-0-1-3-5-6-5-3-2--------------------
Phrygian Dominant Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |----------------------3-4-6-7-8-6-5------- E |-1-0-3-1-0-3-5-6-5-3-1--------------------
Lydian Augmented Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-------------------7-8-10-11-------------- E |-0-3-4-6-7-6-4-3-0-8----------------------
Diminished Whole Tone Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |-----------------4-5-7-8---------------- E |-0-1-3-4-6-7-9-10-------------------------
Enigmatic Scale
Bass Tab:
G |---------------------------------------- D |---------------------------------------- A |------5-6-9-10-8-6-5-6-9-10-8-6-5---------- E |-0-3-4------------------------------------
In conclusion, becoming proficient at scales is an incredibly important aspect of being a great bass player. By mastering the 15 minor scales, you’ll not only improve your technical abilities, but you’ll also gain a deeper understanding of the underlying structure of music. With this in mind, we encourage you to start practicing the 15 minor scales today and incorporate them into your bass playing repertoire.